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Baseball: Running the Bases

Sports >> Baseball >> Baseball Strategy

Player beginning to run the bases
Photo by Ducksters
Run Hard

When running the bases you should always run hard. Even if it appears you will be out by a mile, you never know when a defensive player will make an error. If you run hard, eventually it will pay off. Plus, coaches are always watching and will notice you if you hustle.

Run Smart

Every run and out are important in baseball. When you are on base you need to be paying attention to the game and your coaches. Losing your concentration and getting picked off at first can change the entire outcome of the game.


Sliding is an important skill in base running. On close plays you will need to slide (except for first base). Sliding is a skill. You need to do it the right way and practice it. Here are some steps to making a good slide:
  • Lead with your left foot.
  • Bend your right leg as you start to slide.
  • Slide on your backside, not your side. Sliding on your side can lead to more cuts and scrapes.
  • Keep your hands up. Don't use your hands to stop, use your legs and backside. If you put your hands on the ground, you may end up with a sprained wrist or scratched up hands.
****Always wear long pants when practicing your sliding.

Note: We don't recommend that young players ever slide head first. This can lead to injuries.

Base Stealing

The rules for base stealing are different from league to league. The best thing to do here is to learn the rules (for example, can you lead off or not?) and then listen to the instructions of your coaches. To be a good base stealer you need to be fast, but you also need to know how to slide. If you plan on stealing bases, be sure to practice your sliding techniques.

Wild Pitches and Passed Balls

Wild pitches and passed balls are common in youth baseball. As a base runner you need to always be paying attention and ready to move if the opportunity arises. Watch the ball, pay attention to your coach's instructions, and always be ready to run!

More Baseball Links:

Baseball Rules
Baseball Field
Umpires and Signals
Fair and Foul Balls
Hitting and Pitching Rules
Making an Out
Strikes, Balls, and the Strike Zone
Substitution Rules
Player Positions
First Baseman
Second Baseman
Third Baseman
Baseball Strategy
Types of Pitches and Grips
Pitching Windup and Stretch
Running the Bases

Derek Jeter
Tim Lincecum
Joe Mauer
Albert Pujols
Jackie Robinson
Babe Ruth

Professional Baseball
MLB (Major League Baseball)
List of MLB Teams

Baseball Glossary
Keeping Score

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