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Snapping Turtle
Source: USFWS
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum:  Vertebrata
Class: Sauropsida

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What is a reptile?

Reptiles are animals that are cold-blooded. Most reptiles lay eggs and their skin is covered with hard, dry scales.

What does cold-blooded mean?

Animals that are cold-blooded don't automatically maintain a constant body temperature. They have to lay out in the sun to keep their body heat up. This also means that reptiles don't burn as much energy keeping their body warm and, as a result, they don't have to eat nearly as much food as a similar sized mammal or other warm-blooded animals.

Types of Reptiles

There are many types of reptiles. The main categories are snakes, crocodiles and alligators, turtles, and lizards. Reptiles can be found on every continent except for Antarctica.

Garter Snake
Source: USFWS
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What's the difference between reptiles and amphibians?

There are a few major differences that separate reptiles and amphibians. Amphibians go through a larval stage, like the tadpole which turns into a frog. Reptiles don't do this. Also, their skin is different where reptiles have scales for skin, but amphibians have moist, glandular skin.

Some types of amphibians include frogs, salamanders, and toads.

Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Source: USFWS
Fun Facts About Reptiles Activities

Reptiles Crossword Puzzle
Reptiles Word Search

For more about reptiles and amphibians:

Alligators and Crocodiles
Eastern Diamondback Rattler
Green Anaconda
Green Iguana
King Cobra
Komodo Dragon
Sea Turtle

American Bullfrog
Colorado River Toad
Gold Poison Dart Frog
Red Salamander

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