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The Great Depression


History >> The Great Depression

1929: The Great Depression Begins

March 4: Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st President of the United States.

September 3: The stock market reaches its peak, but there are signs that the economy is slowing.

October 24: The stock market begins to crash.

October 29: The stock market plunges. This day will became known as "Black Tuesday."

1930: Banks Begin to Fail

June 17: The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is passed. Many economists say this act contributed to the Great Depression.

1931: The Depression Worsens.

February: Food riots begin to break out in parts of the United States.

April 11: The Empire State Building is completed.

1932: Unemployment Rises to 23.6 percent and over 10,000 banks have failed since 1929.

July 2: Presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt makes his "New Deal" speech.

July 28: The Bonus Army of U.S. veterans march on Washington and demand their bonus pay. They are removed by the U.S. Army by force.

November 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president.

1933: The First New Deal Begins

March 4: The "First One Hundred Days" of Roosevelt's presidency begins. Over 15 new laws are quickly enacted to fight the Great Depression.

March 5: Roosevelt calls for a "bank holiday" where all banks are closed.

March 9: The Emergency Banking Act becomes law.

March 12: President Roosevelt gives his first Fireside Chat. He explains the new banking laws.

April 19: The United States moves off the gold standard.

May 12: The Federal Emergency Relief Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act are signed into law.

May 18: The Tennessee Valley Authority is established to build dams on the Tennessee River.

May 27: The Federal Securities Act establishes rules and regulations for the stock market.

June 16: The National Industrial Recovery Act, the Farm Credit Act, and the Banking Act of 1933 are all passed by Congress. The Public Works Administration (PWA) is established.

December 5: Prohibition is repealed by the 21st Amendment.

1934: More Laws are Passed

February: Huey Long, Governor of Louisiana, establishes the "Share Our Wealth" movement.

June 6: The SEC is established to regulate the stock market.

June 7: The Corporate Bankruptcy Act becomes law.

Jun 28: The Federal Housing Administration is established by the passing of the National Housing Act.

1935: The Second New Deal Begins

April 8: The Works Progress Administration is established. It will employ 8 million workers over the next several years building things like roads, bridges, and airports.

April 14: A huge dust storm envelops much of the Midwest. This day is called "Black Sunday."

August 14: The Social Security Act is signed into law.

1936: Unemployment Falls to 16.9 percent.

1937: More FDR

January 20: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated to his second term as president.

May 24: The Supreme Court rules that the Social Security Act is constitutional.

1938: Unemployment Rises to 19 percent.

1939: World War II and the End of the Great Depression

April 14: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck is published. It tells the story of the hardships of a migrant farming family during the Great Depression.

September 1: World War II begins when Germany invades Poland. The depression ends over the next several years as the U.S. builds up its armed forces.

More About the Great Depression
Causes of the Great Depression
The End of the Great Depression
Glossary and Terms

Bonus Army
Dust Bowl
First New Deal
Second New Deal
Stock Market Crash

Crime and Criminals
Daily Life in the City
Daily Life on the Farm
Entertainment and Fun
Louis Armstrong
Al Capone
Amelia Earhart
Herbert Hoover
J. Edgar Hoover
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Babe Ruth

Fireside Chats
Empire State Building
Roaring Twenties

Works Cited

History >> The Great Depression

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