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US Presidents Bush Clinton Carter Bush
Former U.S. Presidents
from the Executive Office of the
President of the United States

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United States Presidents

The President of the United States is the top office in the country. These men have led the nation through wars, tough economic times, good times, natural disasters, and more. You can learn about each one in the biographies below.

Pick the US President below to view their biography.

Presidents listed by date:

Washington, George (1789-1797)
Adams, John (1797-1801)
Jefferson, Thomas (1801-1809)
Madison, James (1809-1817)
Monroe, James (1817-1825)
Adams, John Quincy (1825-1829)
Jackson, Andrew (1829-1837)
Van Buren, Martin (1837-1841)
Harrison, William Henry (1841)
Tyler, John (1841-1845)
Polk, James K. (1845-1849)
Taylor, Zachary (1849-1850)
Fillmore, Millard (1850-1853)
Pierce, Franklin (1853-1857)
Buchanan, James (1857-1861)
Lincoln, Abraham (1861-1865)
Johnson, Andrew (1865-1869)
Grant, Ulysses S. (1869-1877)
Hayes, Rutherford B. (1877-1881)
Garfield, James A. (1881)
Arthur, Chester A. (1881-1885)
Cleveland, Grover (1885-1889)
Harrison, Benjamin (1889-1893)
Cleveland, Grover (1893-1897)
McKinley, William (1897-1901)
Roosevelt, Theodore (1901-1909)
Taft, William (1909-1913)
Wilson, Woodrow (1913-1921)
Harding, Warren G.(1921-1923)
Coolidge, Calvin (1923-1929)
Hoover, Herbert (1929-1933)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1933-1945)
Truman, Harry S. (1945-1953)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1953-1961)
Kennedy, John F. (1961-1963)
Johnson, Lyndon B. (1963-1969)
Nixon, Richard M. (1969-1974)
Ford, Gerald (1974-1977)
Carter, Jimmy (1977-1981
Reagan, Ronald (1981-1989)
Bush, George (1989-1993)
Clinton, Bill (1993-2001)
Bush, George W. (2001-2009)
Obama, Barack (2009-2017)
Trump, Donald (2017-2021)
Biden, Joseph (2021-present)

Presidents listed by name:

Adams, John (1797-1801)
Adams, John Quincy (1825-1829)
Arthur, Chester A. (1881-1885)
Biden, Joseph (2021-present)
Buchanan, James (1857-1861)
Bush, George (1989-1993)
Bush, George W. (2001-2009)
Clinton, Bill (1993-2001)
Carter, Jimmy (1977-1981
Cleveland, Grover (1885-1889)
Coolidge, Calvin (1923-1929)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1953-1961)
Fillmore, Millard (1850-1853)
Ford, Gerald (1974-1977)
Garfield, James A. (1881)
Grant, Ulysses S. (1869-1877)
Harding, Warren G.(1921-1923)
Harrison, Benjamin (1889-1893)
Harrison, William Henry (1841)
Hayes, Rutherford B. (1877-1881)
Hoover, Herbert (1929-1933)
Jackson, Andrew (1829-1837)
Jefferson, Thomas (1801-1809)
Johnson, Andrew (1865-1869)
Johnson, Lyndon B. (1963-1969)
Kennedy, John F. (1961-1963)
Lincoln, Abraham (1861-1865)
Madison, James (1809-1817)
McKinley, William (1897-1901)
Monroe, James (1817-1825)
Nixon, Richard M. (1969-1974)
Obama, Barack (2009-2017)
Pierce, Franklin (1853-1857)
Polk, James K. (1845-1849)
Reagan, Ronald (1981-1989)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1933-1945)
Roosevelt, Theodore (1901-1909)
Taft, William (1909-1913)
Taylor, Zachary (1849-1850)
Truman, Harry S. (1945-1953)
Trump, Donald (2017-2021)
Tyler, John (1841-1845)
Van Buren, Martin (1837-1841)
Washington, George (1789-1797)
Wilson, Woodrow (1913-1921)

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