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Works Cited

US Presidents Section

Bausum, Ann. Our Country's Presidents: All You Need to Know about the Presidents, from George Washington to Barack Obama. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2009. Print.

Davis, Todd, and Marc Frey. The New Big Book of U.S. Presidents: Fascinating Facts about Each and Every President, Including an American History Timeline. Philadelphia: Running Kids, 2013. Print.

DeGregorio, William A. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents. New York: Barricade, 2013. Print.

Jennings, Ken, and Mike Lowery. U.S. Presidents. Little Simon, 2014. Print.

Jewell, Elizabeth. U.S. Presidents Factbook. New York: Random House Reference, 2005. Print.

"The White House." The White House. The White House. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. .

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