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World Capitals

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1. Q: What is the capital of the United States of America?

A: Los Angeles

B: Chicago

C: Rome

D: Washington DC

E: New York

F: California


2. Q: What is the capital of Mexico?

A: Mexico City

B: Cazumel

C: Cancun

D: New Mexico

E: Baja

F: Mexicali


3. Q: What is the capital of Algeria?

A: Luanda

B: Algeria City

C: Cairo

D: Accra

E: Algiers

F: Banjul


4. Q: What is the capital of Burundi?

A: Praia

B: Bujumbura

C: Asmara

D: Algiers

E: Banjui

F: Accra


5. Q: What is the capital of Angola?

A: Luanda

B: Bruanda

C: Angolia

D: Moroni

E: Banjul

F: Dacra


6. Q: What is the capital of Botswana?

A: Botswana City

B: Praia

C: Luanda

D: Accra

E: Cairo

F: Gaberone


7. Q: What is the capital of Cameroon?

A: Washinton

B: Dayton

C: Moroni

D: Yaounde

E: Moracco

F: Banjul


8. Q: What is the capital of Ghana?

A: Lusaka

B: Kabul

C: Accra

D: Tehran

E: Tokyo

F: Jakarta


9. Q: What is the capital of Egypt?

A: Alexandria

B: Nile City

C: Dhaka

D: Cairo

E: Runis

F: Beirut


10. Q: What is the capital of Ethiopia?

A: Addis Ababa

B: Rabat

C: Abuja

D: Dakar

E: Monrovia

F: Nairobi


11. Q: What is the capital of Libya?

A: Nairobi

B: Tripoli

C: Dakar

D: Kabul

E: Beijing

F: Beirut


12. Q: What is the capital of Kenya?

A: Tunis

B: Tokyo

C: Canberra

D: Ankara

E: Nairobi

F: Abuja


13. Q: What is the capital of Liberia?

A: Tripoli

B: Lome

C: Monrovia

D: Riyadh

E: Wellington

F: Tbilisi


14. Q: What is the capital of Morocco?

A: Rabat

B: Maputo

C: Khartoum

D: Seoul

E: Riyadh

F: Baku


15. Q: What is the capital of Mozambique?

A: Monrovia

B: New Dehli

C: Tehran

D: Paris

E: Mogadishu

F: Maputo


16. Q: What is the capital of Nigeria?

A: Dakar

B: Phnom Penh

C: Baghdad

D: Hanoi

E: Abuja

F: Moscow


17. Q: What is the capital of Rwanda?

A: Kyiv

B: Damascus

C: Brussels

D: Kigali

E: Dhaka

F: Berlin


18. Q: What is the capital of Senegal?

A: Dakar

B: Tripoli

C: Rome

D: Oslo

E: Nassau

F: Jakarta


19. Q: What is the capital of Sierra Leone?

A: Khartoum

B: Nairobe

C: Freetown

D: Stockholm

E: Riga

F: Dublin


20. Q: What is the capital of Sudan?

A: Dakar

B: Victoria

C: Tehran

D: Kabul

E: Khartoum

F: Ottawa


21. Q: What is the capital of Tunisia?

A: Abuja

B: Tunis

C: Lisbon

D: Kingston

E: San Jose

F: Prague


22. Q: What is the capital of Uganda?

A: Maputo

B: Rabat

C: Madrid

D: Suva

E: Ulan Bator

F: Kampala


23. Q: What is the capital of Zambia?

A: Tunis

B: Kigali

C: Lusaka

D: Dhaka

E: Vaduz

F: Tripoli


24. Q: What is the capital of Zimbabwe?

A: Jakarta

B: Berne

C: Harare

D: Lusaka

E: Nairobi

F: Zimbabwe City


25. Q: What is the capital of Afghanistan?

A: Kabul

B: Islamabad

C: Ankara

D: Hanoi

E: Dhaka

F: Algiers


26. Q: What is the capital of Bangladesh?

A: Beirut

B: Amman

C: Tirana

D: Vienna

E: Berne

F: Dhaka


27. Q: What is the capital of Cambodia?

A: Laos

B: Seoul

C: Bangkok

D: Phnom Phen

E: Vaduz

F: London


28. Q: What is the capital of China?

A: Hanoi

B: Beijing

C: Shanghai

D: Tokyo

E: Seoul

F: Singapore


29. Q: What is the capital of India?

A: Islamabad

B: Doha

C: Damascus

D: New Delhi

E: Ankara

F: Mecca


30. Q: What is the capital of Iran?

A: Kabul

B: Beijing

C: Tehran

D: Amman

E: Beirut

F: Tokyo


31. Q: What is the capital of Israel?

A: Beirut

B: Jerusalem

C: Baghdad

D: Nicosia

E: Manama

F: Amman


32. Q: What is the capital of Jordan?

A: Amman

B: Jerusalem

C: Beirut

D: Tokyo

E: Tripoli

F: Kabul


33. Q: What is the capital of Laos?

A: Tuni

B: Paris

C: Dhaka

D: Vientiane

E: Jakarta

F: New Delhi


34. Q: What is the capital of Indonesia?

A: Nairobi

B: Vientiane

C: Amman

D: Baghdad

E: Jakarta

F: Kampala


35. Q: What is the capital of Iraq?

A: Tehran

B: Tokyo

C: Kuwait

D: Beirut

E: Phnom Penh

F: Baghdad


36. Q: What is the capital of Japan?

A: Okanawa

B: Osaka

C: Hiroshima

D: Vientiane

E: Tokyo

F: Beijing


37. Q: What is the capital of Lebanon?

A: Jakarta

B: Tokyo

C: Tehran

D: Beirut

E: Baghdad

F: Jerusalem


38. Q: What is the capital of Mongolia?

A: Baghdad

B: Riyadh

C: Ulan Bator

D: Beijing

E: Manila

F: Hanoi


39. Q: What is the capital of Nepal?

A: Muscat

B: Katmandu

C: Seoul

D: Damascus

E: Singapore

F: Ankara


40. Q: What is the capital of the Philippines?

A: Manila

B: Canberra

C: Yaren

D: Damascus

E: Abu Dhabi

F: Rangoon


41. Q: What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?

A: Tehran

B: Baghdad

C: Jerusalem

D: Kuwait

E: Riiyadh

F: Taipei


42. Q: What is the capital of South Korea?

A: Seoul

B: Bangkok

C: Tokyo

D: Manila

E: Hanoi

F: Taipei


43. Q: What is the capital of Syria?

A: Bangkok

B: Riyadh

C: Ankara

D: Kabul

E: Damascus

F: Muscat


44. Q: What is the capital of Thailand?

A: Tokyo

B: Bangkok

C: Manila

D: Singapore

E: Hanoi

F: Ulan Bator


45. Q: What is the capital of Myanmar?

A: New Delhi

B: Islamabad

C: Doha

D: Seoul

E: Bangkok

F: Rangoon


46. Q: What is the capital of North Korea?

A: Seoul

B: Taipei

C: P'yongyang

D: Hanoi

E: Beijing

F: Tokyo


47. Q: What is the capital of Pakistan?

A: Rangoon

B: Islamabad

C: Ankara

D: Riyadh

E: Abu Dhabi

F: Damascus


48. Q: What is the capital of Singapore?

A: Hong Kong

B: Singapore

C: Beijing

D: China

E: Taipei

F: Katmandu


49. Q: What is the capital of Taiwan?

A: Bangkok

B: Hanoi

C: Doha

D: Colombo

E: Manila

F: Taipei


50. Q: What is the capital of Turkey?

A: Ankara

B: Riyadh

C: Jerusalem

D: Athens

E: Seoul

F: Islamabad


51. Q: What is the capital of Vietnam?

A: Beijing

B: Seoul

C: P'yongyang

D: Taipei

E: Hanoi

F: Tokyo


52. Q: What is the capital of Australia?

A: Wellington

B: Suva

C: Manila

D: Sidney

E: Canberra

F: Outback


53. Q: What is the capital of New Zealand?

A: Wellington

B: Sidney

C: Canberra

D: Port Moresby

E: Bairiki

F: Colombo


54. Q: What is the capital of Papu New Guinea?

A: Suva

B: Yaren

C: Hanoi

D: Riyadh

E: Port Moresby

F: New Guinea City


55. Q: What is the capital of Fiji?

A: Canberra

B: Suva

C: Bairiki

D: Apia

E: Manila

F: Doha


56. Q: What is the capital of Armenia?

A: Kyiv

B: Moscow

C: Tbilisi

D: Yerevan

E: Baku

F: Astana


57. Q: What is the capital of Belarus?

A: Minsk

B: Astana

C: Kyiv

D: Moscow

E: Tbilisi

F: Baku


58. Q: What is the capital of Kasakstan?

A: Yerevan

B: Astana

C: Kyiv

D: Chisinau

E: Moscow

F: Minsk


59. Q: What is the capital of Moldova?

A: Astana

B: Moscow

C: Baku

D: Tbilisi

E: Chisinau

F: Minsk


60. Q: What is the capital of Ukraine?

A: Moscow

B: Tbilisi

C: Yerevan

D: Astana

E: Kyiv

F: London


61. Q: What is the capital of Azerbaijan?

A: Baku

B: Moscow

C: Kyiv

D: Astana

E: Minsk

F: Yerevan


62. Q: What is the capital of Georgia?

A: Baku

B: Tbilisi

C: Kyiv

D: Moscow

E: Atlanta

F: Astana


63. Q: What is the capital of Albania?

A: Vienna

B: Brussels

C: Tirana

D: Madrid

E: Nassau

F: Rome


64. Q: What is the capital of Austria?

A: Vienna

B: Madrid

C: Rome

D: Canberra

E: Berne

F: Stockholm


65. Q: What is the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina?

A: Monaco

B: Warsaw

C: Sarajevo

D: Athens

E: Paris

F: Oslo


66. Q: What is the capital of the Czech Republic?

A: Athens

B: Sarajevo

C: Prague

D: Lisbon

E: Berne

F: Belgrade


67. Q: What is the capital of France?

A: Madrid

B: London

C: Riga

D: Berlin

E: Paris

F: Rome


68. Q: What is the capital of Greece?

A: Paris

B: Rome

C: Athens

D: Warsaw

E: Prague

F: London


69. Q: What is the capital of Iceland?

A: London

B: Reykjavik

C: Podgorica

D: Belgrade

E: Bucharest

F: Dublin


70. Q: What is the capital of Italy?

A: Rome

B: Madrid

C: Lisbon

D: San Marino

E: Paris

F: Dublin


71. Q: What is the capital of Norway?

A: Stockholm

B: Copenhagen

C: Dublin

D: Berlin

E: Oslo

F: Helsinki


72. Q: What is the capital of Portugal?

A: Warsaw

B: Moscow

C: Bucharest

D: Madrid

E: Valletta

F: Lisbon


73. Q: What is the capital of Slovakia?

A: Budapest

B: Bratislava

C: Ljujiana

D: Vilnius

E: Berlin

F: Moscow


74. Q: What is the capital of Spain?

A: Zagreb

B: Dublin

C: Madrid

D: Lisbon

E: Berne

F: Brussels


75. Q: What is the capital of Switzerland?

A: Austia

B: Berne

C: Belgrade

D: Brussels

E: London

F: Paris


76. Q: What is the capital of Belgium?

A: Warsaw

B: Berne

C: Oslo

D: Brussels

E: Riga

F: Dublin


77. Q: What is the capital of Croatia?

A: Helsinki

B: Budapest

C: Warsaw

D: Belgrade

E: London

F: Zagreb


78. Q: What is the capital of Denmark?

A: Finland

B: Copenhagen

C: Stockholm

D: Oslo

E: London

F: Vaduz


79. Q: What is the capital of Finland?

A: Helsinki

B: Copenhagen

C: Berlin

D: Oslo

E: Lisbon

F: Stockholm


80. Q: What is the capital of Germany?

A: Bonn

B: Helsinki

C: Amsterdam

D: Warsaw

E: Madrid

F: Berlin


81. Q: What is the capital of Hungary?

A: Sarajevo

B: Vienna

C: Budapest

D: Vilnius

E: Lisbon

F: Belgrade


82. Q: What is the capital of Ireland?

A: Dublin

B: London

C: Stockholm

D: Rom

E: Athens

F: Paris


83. Q: What is the capital of Latvia?

A: Oslo

B: Riga

C: Warsaw

D: Bucharest

E: Berne

F: Berlin


84. Q: What is the capital of Lithuania?

A: Vaduz

B: Tallinn

C: Vilnius

D: Amsterdam

E: Bratislava

F: Berne


85. Q: What is the capital of The Netherlands?

A: Belgrade

B: Canberra

C: Paris

D: Lisbon

E: Warsaw

F: Amsterdam


86. Q: What is the capital of Poland?

A: Prague

B: Athens

C: Warsaw

D: Bucharest

E: Brussels

F: Moscow


87. Q: What is the capital of Romania?

A: Vienna

B: Bucharest

C: Warsaw

D: Belgrade

E: Oslo

F: Reykjavik


88. Q: What is the capital of Serbia?

A: Belgrade

B: Bucharest

C: Bratislava

D: Berne

E: Rome

F: Athens


89. Q: What is the capital of Slovenia?

A: Vilnius

B: Bucharest

C: Belgrade

D: Stockholm

E: Ljujiana

F: Vienna


90. Q: What is the capital of Sweden?

A: Helsinki

B: Oslo

C: Stockholm

D: Copenhagen

E: London

F: Berne


91. Q: What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

A: Athens

B: London

C: Wales

D: Brussels

E: Madrid

F: Dublin


92. Q: What is the capital of Canada?

A: Ottawa

B: Washington

C: Seattle

D: Oslo

E: Moscow

F: Quebec


93. Q: What is the capital of Cuba?

A: Cuba City

B: Havana

C: San Jose

D: San Salvador

E: Kingston

F: Monaco


94. Q: What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?

A: San Salvador

B: San Jose

C: Santa Monica

D: Nassau

E: Santo Domingo

F: Saint John's


95. Q: What is the capital of Haiti?

A: Santo Domingo

B: Ottawa

C: Havana

D: Roseau

E: Bridgetown

F: Port-au-Prince


96. Q: What is the capital of Jamaica?

A: Nassau

B: Jamaica City

C: Kingston

D: Havana

E: Saint John's

F: Saint George's


97. Q: What is the capital of the Bahamas?

A: Kingston

B: Nassau

C: Belmopan

D: San Jose

E: San Salvador

F: Guatemala


98. Q: What is the capital of Costa Rica?

A: San Jose

B: Managua

C: Bridgetown

D: Santo Domingo

E: Nassau

F: San Salvador


99. Q: What is the capital of El Salvador?

A: Santo Domingo

B: Havana

C: Bridgetown

D: Kingstown

E: San Salvador

F: Panama


100. Q: What is the capital of Guatemala?

A: Madrid

B: Belmopan

C: San Jose

D: Guatemala City

E: Soint John's

F: Lisbon


101. Q: What is the capital of Honduras?

A: Vaduz

B: Tegucigalpa

C: San Salvador

D: San Jose

E: Manague

F: Kingstown


102. Q: What is the capital of Mexico?

A: Mexico City

B: Havana

C: Tijuana

D: Cancun

E: Roseau

F: Mexicali


103. Q: What is the capital of Barbados?

A: Saint George's

B: Saint John's

C: Barbados City

D: Bridgetown

E: Santo Domingo

F: Mexicali


104. Q: What is the capital of Nicaragua?

A: Nicaragua City

B: Managua

C: Bogata

D: Lima

E: Bridgetown

F: San Salvador


105. Q: What is the capital of Panama?

A: Florida

B: Caracas

C: San Salvador

D: Havana

E: Quito

F: Panama City


106. Q: What is the capital of Argentina?

A: Buenos Aires

B: Bogota

C: Caracas

D: Mexico City

E: Santiago

F: Nassau


107. Q: What is the capital of Brazil?

A: La Paz

B: Asuncion

C: Brasilia

D: Kingstown

E: Brazil City

F: Sucre


108. Q: What is the capital of Colombia?

A: Brasilia

B: Lima

C: Quito

D: Santiago

E: Bogota

F: Caracas


109. Q: What is the capital of peru?

A: Buenos Aires

B: Managua

C: Havana

D: Ottawa

E: Santiago

F: Lima


110. Q: What is the capital of Venezuela?

A: Santiago

B: Asuncion

C: San Jose

D: Caracas

E: Montevideo

F: Bogota


111. Q: What is the capital of Bolivia?

A: Bolivar

B: Sucre

C: Nassau

D: Lisbon

E: Lima

F: Mexico City


112. Q: What is the capital of Chile?

A: Inca City

B: Santiago

C: Santo Domingo

D: Quito

E: San Salvador

F: Buenos Aires


113. Q: What is the capital of Ecuador?

A: Vienna

B: Ecuador City

C: Bogota

D: Quito

E: Kyiv

F: Lima


114. Q: What is the capital of Paraguay?

A: La Paz

B: Santiago

C: Canberra

D: Asuncion

E: Bucharest

F: Brasilia


115. Q: What is the capital of Uruguay?

A: Asuncion

B: Managua

C: Santiago

D: Montevideo

E: Lima

F: Buenos Aires


Click here for the Answers to World Capital questions

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