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U.S. Government

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1. Q: Which branch of government can override the veto of a bill?

B: Legislative


2. Q: Which of the following decisions are made a the national political convention?

C: Candidate for president


3. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment protects ""the right of the people to keep and bear Arms""?"

B: 2nd


4. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment protects ""freedom of speech, or of the press""?"

A: 1st


5. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment protects ""against unreasonable searches and seizures.""?"

C: 4th


6. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment protects a person ""to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law""?"

D: 5th


7. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment states ""the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial""?"

B: 6th


8. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment states ""the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.""?"

D: 7th


9. Q: Which Constitutional Amendment protects against slavery?

A: 13th


10. Q: "Which Constitutional Amendment protects the right to vote regardless of ""race, color, or previous condition of servitude""?"

B: 15th


11. Q: Which Constitutional Amendment allows congress to tax incomes?

C: 16th


12. Q: How many Senators are elected from each state?

D: 2


13. Q: How long is Senate term?

C: 6 years


14. Q: Which Constitutional Amendment protects the right to vote regardless of gender?

C: 19th


15. Q: How many terms may a president serve?

B: 2


16. Q: How long is a presidential term?

A: 4 years


17. Q: Can the right to vote be taken away if a person does not pay a tax?

B: no


18. Q: Who becomes president if the current president resigns?

A: Vice President


19. Q: Which Constitutional Amendment protects the right to vote for citizens 18 years of age and older?

B: 26th


20. Q: The United States Congress consists of:

C: The House and the Senate


21. Q: Legislative powers reside in which branch of government?

D: Congress


22. Q: How old must a citizen be to become a Representative?

B: 25


23. Q: How many years must a person be a citizen prior to becoming a Representative?

A: 7


24. Q: How old must a citizen be to become a Senator?

C: 30


25. Q: How many years must a person be a citizen prior to becoming a Senator?

D: 9


26. Q: Where do all Bills for raising revenue originate?

A: House of Representatives


27. Q: Who can veto a law?

C: President


28. Q: Who makes up the executive branch?

D: President


29. Q: How old must a citizen be to become president?

A: 35


30. Q: How many years must a person be a citizen prior to becoming president?

B: 14


31. Q: Who is the Commander and Chief of the Army and Navy?

C: President


32. Q: Who has the power to make Treaties with other countries?

D: President


33. Q: Who approves Treaties made by the President?

A: Senate


34. Q: What form of government is the United States?

B: Republic


35. Q: What is the Bill of Rights?

C: The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution


36. Q: "What document starts out ""We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union....""?"

D: Constitution


37. Q: "What portion of the Constitution starts out ""We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union....""?"

A: preamble


38. Q: Checks and Balances refer to:

A: The three branchs of government


39. Q: What are the two major political parties?

C: Democratic and Republican


40. Q: Who is the chief law officer of the government?

D: Attorney General


41. Q: What is a bill?

C: a proposed law


42. Q: Who can propose a bill?

D: Member of Congress


43. Q: How can a presidential veto be overridden?

A: By two thirds vote in the House and the Senate


44. Q: What is the Cabinet?

B: Advisors to the President


45. Q: Who is president of the Senate?

C: Vice President of the US


46. Q: When may the Vice President vote in the Senate?

D: In the event of a tie


47. Q: When may the President of the US vote in the Senate?

C: Never


48. Q: How often is one third of the Senate is voted in?

B: 2 years


49. Q: How often is the entire House of Representatives voted in?

D: 2 years


50. Q: Who becomes President in the event the Vice-President cannot take office?

A: Speaker of the House


51. Q: How many Supreme Court Justices are there?

B: 9


52. Q: Who nominates Supreme Court Justices?

C: President


53. Q: Who confirms presidential nominees for the Supreme Court?

B: Senate


54. Q: How long is a Supreme Court Justice term of office?

C: Life


55. Q: Who advises the President on military strategy?

D: Joint Chiefs of Staff


56. Q: What is the national motto of the United States?

A: In God We Trust


57. Q: What government department is responsible for collecting tax's?

B: Internal Revenue Service


58. Q: What is the practice of influencing legislation called?

D: Lobbying


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