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Today in History

September 27


1821   Mexico gains full independence from Spain.

1905   Albert Einstein publishes Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?"". In this paper he shows the relationship between energy and mass."

1928   The US first recognizes The Republic of China.

1954   The Tonight Show first airs on nationwide TV.

Famous Birthdays:

1722   Samuel Adams (American Patriot)

1947   Meat Loaf (Rock Singer)

1949   Mike Schmidt (Baseball Player)

1958   Shaun Cassidy (Singer- Teen Pop Idol)

1965   Steve Kerr (Basketball Player/ NBA Coach)

1972   Gweneth Paltrow (Actress)

1982   Lil Wayne (Rapper)

1984   Avril Lavigne (Singer)

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