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Today in History

May 24


1430   Joan of Arc is captured by the forces of the Duke of Burgundy.

1830   The poem Mary had a little lamb is first published.

1844   The first electric telegram is sent by Samuel F. B. Morse

1883   The Brooklyn Bridge in New York is opened to traffic

2001   15-year-old Temba Tsheri is the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest.

Famous Birthdays:

1686   Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (Thermometer inventor)

1941   Bob Dylan (Singer)

1944   Patti LaBelle (Singer)

1945   Pricilla Presley (Actress)

1963   Joe Dumars (Basketball Player)

1967   Heavy D (Rapper)

1819   Queen Victoria (English Queen)

1979   Tracy McGrady (Basketball Player)

1988   Billy Gillman (Singer)

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