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Today in History

May 14


1607   Jamestown, Virginia, is settled as an English colony.

1796   The first smallpox vaccination is administered.

1804   The Lewis and Clark Expedition departs on its historical journey.

1948   Israel declared to be an independent state

1955   Eight communist bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, sign a treaty called the Warsaw Pact.

1973   Skylab, the United States' first space station, is launched.

1998   The last episode of Seinfeld airs on NBC.

Famous Birthdays:

1944   George Lucas (Director)

1952   Rober Zemeckis (Director)

1969   Cate Blanchett (Actress)

1989   Rob Gronkowski (NFL Football Player)

1984   Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook)

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