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Earth Science

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  1. Energy that can be replenished; windmills, solar power
  2. Loose upper layer of the Earth's surface where plants grow
  3. We get ____ power from the Sun
  4. The lion is at the top of the food ____
  5. It is going on outside right now!
  6. The inner and outer core of the Earth is made up of ___ and nickel
  7. Water, wind, and ice can cause this wearing away of the land
  8. A giant rotating storm with high winds
  9. Caused when pieces of the Earth's crust suddenly shift
  10. Glaciers are made of this


  1. When magma erupts to the Earth's surface it is called this
  2. A biome that gets very little rain
  3. Region of Earth were life exists
  4. Turning trash into new products
  5. When tiny droplets of water floating in the sky
  6. The average weather measurements over a long period of time
  7. The biome the tropical ____ gets lots of rain
  8. Rain, snow, sleet, hail
  9. Igneous ____ are formed by volcanoes
  10. The air around the Earth
  11. Cars, fires, volcanoes, and power plants all cause this kind of pollution
  12. Plants produce this gas as part of the ____ cycle
  13. This affects the ocean tides
  14. Desert, grasslands, tundra, rainforest
  15. Thin outer layer of the Earth
  16. The coral ___ is a marine biome

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