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Chemistry - Atoms and Compounds

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  1. What you get when two H atoms join with one O atom
  2. Most common atom in the human body
  3. These particles are positive
  4. Neutrinos often travel at the speed of ____
  5. These have the same types of atoms
  6. The center of the atom
  7. These type of bonds donate electrons between atoms
  8. Covalent ___ share electrons
  9. These small particles make up neutrons and protons
  10. These combine different kinds of atoms


  1. Isotopes of the same element have a different number of these
  2. When two or more atoms join together
  3. The basic building block of all matter
  4. Atom that is in organic molecules
  5. Electrons without any charge
  6. Negatively charged particle
  7. Electrons orbit within these layers, Egg ___
  8. Number of protons in an element is the atomic ____
  9. Number of quark types
  10. These type of bonds share electrons between atoms

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