Physics: Properties of Waves

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Properties of Waves.

1. When graphing a wave, what does the horizontal axis usually represent?
a. Amplitude
b. Trough
c. Time or distance
d. Crest
e. Rest position

2. What does the horizontal line through the center of the wave on a graph represent?
a. Amplitude
b. Trough
c. Time or distance
d. Crest
e. Rest position

3. When graphing a wave, what does the vertical axis usually represent?
a. Amplitude
b. Trough
c. Time or distance
d. Crest
e. Rest position

4. What do we call the highest point of the wave on a graph?
a. Amplitude
b. Trough
c. Time or distance
d. Crest
e. Rest position

5. What do we call the lowest point of the wave on a graph?
a. Amplitude
b. Trough
c. Time or distance
d. Crest
e. Rest position

6. What wave measurement represents the number of times per second that the wave cycles?
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

7. What wave measurement would you find by measuring the distance between the crests of back-to-back wave cycles?
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

8. What wave measurement would you find by measuring the time between the crests of back-to-back wave cycles?
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

9. What wave measurement represents the strength or intensity of the wave?
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

10. What wave measurement represents how fast the disturbance of the wave is moving?
a. Wavelength
b. Period
c. Amplitude
d. Frequency
e. Velocity

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Properties of Waves page at

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