Biology: Medicine

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Biology: Medicine.

1. What does it mean when a medicine is synthetic?
a. It is made from plants
b. It is made from animals
c. It is made by a chemist in a lab
d. It is made from bacteria
e. It is made from natural sources

2. What is the first step in making a new drug?
a. Testing on Humans
b. Testing on animals
c. Research
d. New drug application
e. FDA approval

3. What does the 'efficacy' of a drug mean?
a. It determines how many people have been tested
b. It says how much of the drug is synthesized
c. It determines if a doctor needs to prescribe the drug
d. It is a measurement of how well a drug works
e. None of the Above

4. What is the name of the sugar pill given to test subjects that has no drugs in it?
a. Placebo
b. Synthetic
c. Aspirin
d. Vaccine
e. Inhaler

5. In which stage of making a drug is the drug tested on over 1,000 people?
a. Research
b. Phase I trials
c. Phase II trials
d. Phase III trials
e. FDA approval

6. What is the final stage of making a drug before it can be sold?
a. Research
b. Phase I trials
c. Phase II trials
d. Phase III trials
e. FDA approval

7. What is the name of the government agency that watches over the sale and manufacture of drugs in the USA?
a. Fake Drug Association
b. Food and Drug Administration
c. False Diagnosis Administration
d. Federal Drug Association
e. Federal Diet Administration

8. What type of drugs require the approval of a doctor to purchase?
a. Over the counter
b. Illegal
c. Prescription
d. Advil
e. Inhalers

9. True or False: Taking too much of a 'safe' over-the-counter drug can make you sick or even kill you.

10. What is the scientific name for painkillers?
a. Placebos
b. Synthetics
c. Prescriptions
d. Analgesics
e. Insulin

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Biology: Medicine page at

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