Earth Science: Dangerous Weather

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Dangerous Weather.

1. What time of day do thunderstorms most often form?
a. Midnight
b. Early morning
c. Afternoon
d. When it's dark
e. None of the Above

2. Which of the following can occur within thunderstorms?
a. High winds
b. Hail
c. Heavy rain
d. Lightning
e. All of the above

3. Lightning is a powerful blast of ______.
a. Rain
b. Electricity
c. Fire
d. Wind
e. Hail

4. What should you do during a thunderstorm?
a. Go to the top of a hill
b. Hold up your umbrella
c. Stand under a tree
d. Go inside a building
e. Swim in a pool

5. Where do hurricanes form?
a. Over the ocean
b. Over flat areas of land
c. On high mountains
d. At the north and south poles
e. Inside large thunderstorms

6. What are hurricanes that form in the Indian Ocean sometimes called?
a. Twisters
b. Cyclones
c. Tornadoes
d. Typhoons
e. Whirlwinds

7. Where do hurricanes get their energy?
a. From lighting
b. From frozen ocean water
c. From the ocean waves
d. From warm ocean water
e. From the spin of the Earth

8. Which type of storm is larger, hurricanes or tornadoes?
a. Hurricanes
b. Tornadoes

9. What do we call tornadoes that form over water?
a. Whirlwinds
b. Funnel cloud
c. Twisters
d. Waterspouts
e. Cyclones

10. What is a tornado called before it comes into contact with the ground?
a. Whirlwinds
b. Funnel cloud
c. Twisters
d. Waterspouts
e. Cyclones

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Dangerous Weather page at

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