US Government - Taxes

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
US Government - Taxes.

1. Where does the government get most of its money?
a. It prints money
b. It sells land
c. Taxes
d. It produces products to sell
e. Donations

2. What is something that federal taxes pay for?
a. Schools
b. Police
c. Teachers
d. Military
e. Fire department

3. What type of tax do you pay when you own a home?
a. Income tax
b. Property tax
c. Sales Tax
d. Social Security tax
e. Medicare tax

4. What type of tax do you pay when you buy something at the store?
a. Income tax
b. Property tax
c. Sales Tax
d. Social Security tax
e. Medicare tax

5. What type of tax goes to help pay for medical care of people over 65 years old?
a. Income tax
b. Property tax
c. Sales Tax
d. Social Security tax
e. Medicare tax

6. What type of tax takes a percentage of the money you make on a job?
a. Income tax
b. Property tax
c. Sales Tax
d. Social Security tax
e. Medicare tax

7. What type of tax goes to help pay for retirement?
a. Income tax
b. Property tax
c. Sales Tax
d. Social Security tax
e. Medicare tax

8. True or False: Businesses don't have to pay any taxes in the United States.

9. According to the article, where does the United States rank worldwide in highest income taxes?
a. 1st
b. 7th
c. 25th
d. 100th
e. 150th

10. What is the name of the agency that collects taxes in the United States?
a. Secret Service
b. Federal Bureau of Investigation
c. Internal Revenue Service
d. Department of Energy
e. Department of the Interior

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the US Government - Taxes page at /history/us_government/taxes.php.

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