Middle Ages Guilds

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Middle Ages Guilds.

1. What were guilds in the Middle Ages?
a. A type of coin
b. Places where men studied religion
c. Groups of craftsmen
d. Large buildings built for protection
e. A type of food made from the potato

2. What advantages did a member get from being in a guild?
a. Training in a craft and help when sick
b. Automatic position as master
c. Protection from raiders like the Vikings
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

3. When learning a craft, a young boy would work for a master in what position for seven years?
a. Junior master
b. Journeyman
c. Assistant
d. Apprentice
e. Slave

4. What did a journeyman get for his work that an apprentice did not get?
a. Food
b. Clothing
c. Shelter
d. Wages
e. All of the above

5. What advantages did consumers get from the existence of guilds?
a. Quality products
b. Fair pricing
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
e. Low prices due to competition

6. What position did a craftsman hold between apprentice and master?
a. Senior apprentice
b. Junior master
c. Assistant
d. Workman
e. Journeyman

7. True or False: A lot of guilds were run by women and most of the craftspeople were women.

8. What powerful guild was not considered a crafts guild, but managed to control much of the economy during the Middle Ages?
a. Merchant guild
b. Candlemaker guild
c. Mason guild
d. Bookbinder guild
e. Cobbler guild

9. What was the highest position that a craftsman could attain?
a. Apprentice
b. Journeyman
c. Uber crafter
d. Master
e. Captain

10. About how many guilds might a major city in the Middle Ages have?
a. No more than 2
b. Around 5
c. Around 10
d. Around 30
e. Around 100

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Middle Ages Guilds page at /history/middle_ages_guilds.php.

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