French Revolution - Symbols

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
French Revolution - Symbols.

1. What was the tricolor cockade?
a. A red, white, and blue flag
b. A type of hat
c. A red, white, and blue circular emblem
d. The French national anthem
e. A bundle of wooden rods tied around an axe

2. What was the nickname for the Phrygian cap?
a. Purple cap
b. King's cap
c. Noble cap
d. Soldier's cap
e. Liberty cap

3. The Phrygian cap was usually what color?
a. Blue
b. White
c. Green
d. Red
e. Purple

4. Where did people wear the tricolor cockade?
a. Around their neck
b. Pinned to their hats or coats
c. On their feet
d. Wrapped around their arms
e. It wasn't something you could wear

5. What is the name of the French flag?
a. Tricolore
b. Stars and stripes
c. Three Stripes
d. Red, white, and blue
e. Flag of Colors

6. What is 'La Marseillaise'?
a. A red, white, and blue flag
b. A type of hat
c. A red, white, and blue circular emblem
d. The French national anthem
e. A bundle of wooden rods tied around an axe

7. What did it mean if someone wore the tricolor cockade?
a. They supported the king
b. They were members of the French aristocracy
c. They supported the revolution
d. They were not political
e. They wanted to appear fashionable

8. What symbol of the French Revolution was used to execute people?
a. Fasces
b. Phrygian cap
c. Tricolore
d. Tricolor cockade
e. Guillotine

9. True or False: Watching people get executed was a popular form of entertainment during the French Revolution.

10. What is a 'fasces'?
a. A red, white, and blue flag
b. A type of hat
c. A red, white, and blue circular emblem
d. The French national anthem
e. A bundle of wooden rods tied around an axe

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the French Revolution - Symbols page at

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