French Revolution - Famous People

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
French Revolution - Famous People.

1. Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
a. A member of the Girondins who assassinated journalist Jean-Paul Marat
b. An aristocrat who was on the side of the people during the French Revolution
c. The leader of the Jacobin Club and head of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror
d. The leader of the Cordeliers Club and President of the National Convention
e. The Queen of France who was beheaded during the French Revolution

2. What radical journalist was assassinated while taking a bath?
a. Louis XVI
b. Olympe de Gouges
c. Jean-Paul Marat
d. Madame Roland
e. Napoleon

3. Who was the Marquis de Lafayette?
a. A member of the Girondins who assassinated journalist Jean-Paul Marat
b. An aristocrat who was on the side of the people during the French Revolution
c. The leader of the Jacobin Club and head of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror
d. The leader of the Cordeliers Club and President of the National Convention
e. The Queen of France who was beheaded during the French Revolution

4. What war hero overthrew the Directory and eventually crowned himself emperor of France?
a. Louis XVI
b. Olympe de Gouges
c. Jean-Paul Marat
d. Madame Roland
e. Napoleon

5. What member of the Girondins held early revolutionary meetings in her home?
a. Louis XVI
b. Olympe de Gouges
c. Jean-Paul Marat
d. Madame Roland
e. Napoleon

6. Who was Charlotte Corday?
a. A member of the Girondins who assassinated journalist Jean-Paul Marat
b. An aristocrat who was on the side of the people during the French Revolution
c. The leader of the Jacobin Club and head of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror
d. The leader of the Cordeliers Club and President of the National Convention
e. The Queen of France who was beheaded during the French Revolution

7. Who was King of France when the French Revolution began?
a. Louis XVI
b. Olympe de Gouges
c. Jean-Paul Marat
d. Madame Roland
e. Napoleon

8. Who was Marie Antoinette?
a. A member of the Girondins who assassinated journalist Jean-Paul Marat
b. An aristocrat who was on the side of the people during the French Revolution
c. The leader of the Jacobin Club and head of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror
d. The leader of the Cordeliers Club and President of the National Convention
e. The Queen of France who was beheaded during the French Revolution

9. What playwright and author thought that women should be treated as equals to men?
a. Louis XVI
b. Olympe de Gouges
c. Jean-Paul Marat
d. Madame Roland
e. Napoleon

10. Who was Georges Danton?
a. A member of the Girondins who assassinated journalist Jean-Paul Marat
b. An aristocrat who was on the side of the people during the French Revolution
c. The leader of the Jacobin Club and head of the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror
d. The leader of the Cordeliers Club and President of the National Convention
e. The Queen of France who was beheaded during the French Revolution

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the French Revolution - Famous People page at

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