Battle of Antietam

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Battle of Antietam.

1. During what war did the Battle of Antietam take place?
a. World War I
b. World War II
c. Mexican-American War
d. War of 1812
e. American Civil War

2. In what state did the Battle of Antietam take place?
a. Virginia
b. Tennessee
c. Maryland
d. North Carolina
e. Alabama

3. In what year did the Battle of Antietam take place?
a. 1860
b. 1861
c. 1862
d. 1863
e. 1865

4. What general was the leader of the Union forces?
a. George B. McClellan
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Ulysses S. Grant
d. William Sherman
e. Stonewall Jackson

5. Which side had more soldiers?
a. Confederacy
b. Union
c. They had about the same
d. No one knows
e. None of the above

6. What was the battle called by the southern forces?
a. Battle of Maryland
b. Battle of Virginia
c. Battle of the North
d. Battle of Sharpsburg
e. Battle of Gettysburg

7. What did Abraham Lincoln do as a result of the Union victory?
a. Ordered an all out attack on the South
b. Announced the Emancipation Proclamation
c. Ordered the beginning of the Union Blockade
d. Threw a big party at the White House
e. Asked Mary Todd to marry him

8. Around how many soldiers were killed in the battle?
a. 600
b. 1,200
c. 3,500
d. 8,000
e. 17,000

9. True or False: Great Britain officially recognized the Confederate States of America as a country after the Battle of Antietam.

10. Who was the lead general commanding the Confederate forces?
a. George Custer
b. George B. McClellan
c. Ulysses S. Grant
d. William Sherman
e. Robert E. Lee

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Battle of Antietam page at /history/civil_war/battle_of_antietam.php.

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