Art History - Cubism

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Art History - Cubism.

1. When did the Cubism art movement take place?
a. 1200s
b. Late 1400s to early 1500s
c. Mid 1600s
d. Early 1900s
e. Late 1900s to early 2000s

2. The two main types of Cubism were Analytical Cubism and ______ Cubism?
a. Expressive
b. Synthetic
c. Constructive
d. Destructive
e. Computational

3. What two artists were largely responsible for inventing Cubism?
a. Picasso and Braque
b. Metzinger and Leger
c. Munch and Simberg
d. Klimt and Cezanne
e. Van Gogh and Manet

4. What Cubism artist wrote the first major essay on Cubism and painted 'Woman with a Fan'?
a. Georges Braque
b. Juan Gris
c. Jean Metzinger
d. Pablo Picasso
e. Fernand Leger

5. What artist painted 'Three Musicians' and was a primary founder of the Cubism movement?
a. Georges Braque
b. Juan Gris
c. Jean Metzinger
d. Pablo Picasso
e. Fernand Leger

6. What Spanish artist painted 'Portrait of Picasso' and helped develop Synthetic Cubism?
a. Georges Braque
b. Juan Gris
c. Jean Metzinger
d. Pablo Picasso
e. Fernand Leger

7. What co-founder of Cubism painted 'Violin and Candlestick'?
a. Georges Braque
b. Juan Gris
c. Jean Metzinger
d. Pablo Picasso
e. Fernand Leger

8. What artist used popular subjects in his art and helped to inspire the creation of Pop Art?
a. Georges Braque
b. Juan Gris
c. Jean Metzinger
d. Pablo Picasso
e. Fernand Leger

9. True or False: The most common subject in the Cubism art movement was landscapes.

10. What style of Cubism focused on bright colors and the relationship between painting and music?
a. Expressionism
b. Musicism
c. Orphism
d. Colorism
e. Surrealism

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Art History - Cubism page at

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