Ancient Egypt - New Kingdom

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Egypt - New Kingdom.

1. What pharaoh united Egypt and began the period of the New Kingdom?
a. Ramses II
b. Mentuhotep II
c. Ahmose I
d. Tutankhamen
e. Cleopatra VII

2. What do historians call the time period before the New Kingdom?
a. Early Dynastic Period
b. Roman Period
c. New Kingdom
d. 2nd Intermediate Period
e. Middle Kingdom

3. What Egyptian dynasty is generally considered to be the start of the New Kingdom?
a. First
b. Third
c. Eighth
d. Tenth
e. Eighteenth

4. True or False: The New Kingdom is often considered the golden age of Ancient Egypt.

5. Where were many of the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom buried?
a. Giza Complex
b. Valley of the Kings
c. Great Sphinx
d. Inside giant pyramids
e. Inside great temples

6. What group of people ruled northern Egypt during the 2nd Intermediate Period?
a. Sumerians
b. Nubians
c. Assyrians
d. Babylonians
e. Hyksos

7. What resource in Nubia enabled Egypt to become wealthy during the New Kingdom?
a. Salt
b. Copper
c. Gold
d. Diamonds
e. All of the above

8. What empire attacked and conquered much of Egypt around 650 BC?
a. Babylonian Empire
b. Hyksos
c. Sea Peoples
d. Assyrian Empire
e. Persian Empire

9. What do historians call the time period that occurred right after the New Kingdom?
a. Next Period
b. New Kingdom
c. Third Intermediate Period
d. Late Period
e. Ottoman Period

10. What female pharaoh ruled Egypt for 20 years during the New Kingdom?
a. Hatshepsut
b. Mentuhotep II
c. Ahmose I
d. Tutankhamen
e. Cleopatra VII

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Egypt - New Kingdom page at /history/ancient_egypt/new_kingdom.php.

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