Ancient Egypt - Greek and Roman Rule

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Egypt - Greek and Roman Rule.

1. What leader invaded Egypt in 332 BC bringing an end to Persian rule?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Alexander the Great
c. Genghis Khan
d. Darius I
e. Xerxes

2. What was the capital city of Egypt under the rule of the Greeks?
a. Thebes
b. Cairo
c. Luxor
d. Alexandria
e. Memphis

3. What was the name of the Egyptian dynasty during the rule of the Greeks?
a. Fortieth Dynasty
b. Greek Dynasty
c. Alexandrian Dynasty
d. Macedonian Dynasty
e. Ptolemaic Dynasty

4. What period of Egypt came to an end when the Greeks took control?
a. Next Period
b. New Kingdom
c. 1st Intermediate Period
d. Late Period
e. Ottoman Period

5. What empire took control of Egypt from the Greeks in 30 BC?
a. Roman Empire
b. British Empire
c. Babylonian Empire
d. Persian Empire
e. Empire of Ghana

6. True or False: The city of Alexandria was a center of Greek culture and education and one of the most important cities of the Mediterranean.

7. Who was the last pharaoh of Egypt?
a. Psamtik II
b. Mentuhotep II
c. Ahmose I
d. Tutankhamen
e. Cleopatra VII

8. What people took control of Egypt throughout much of the Middle Ages?
a. British
b. Greeks
c. Romans
d. Arabs
e. French

9. What Roman general did Cleopatra ally with to fight against Octavian?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Marcus Crassus
c. Mark Antony
d. Cornelius Sulla
e. Gnaeus Magnus

10. True or False: Egypt was a source of grain and great wealth for the Roman Empire.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Egypt - Greek and Roman Rule page at /history/ancient_egypt/greek_and_roman_rule.php.

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