Julius Caesar

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Julius Caesar.

1. Which of the following best describes Caesar's family?
a. A poor peasant family from Rome
b. A wealthy family with no aristocratic roots
c. A wealthy and aristocratic family
d. An aristocratic family, but not wealthy
e. A peasant family from northern Italy

2. What did young Caesar learn from his tutor?
a. How to read
b. How to speak in public
c. Roman law
d. How to write
e. All of the above

3. What major event occurred in Caesar's life when he was sixteen years old?
a. His father died
b. He became dictator of Rome
c. Rome was sacked by barbarians
d. His mother died
e. The Roman Republic came to an end

4. What was a 'consul' in the Roman government?
a. The highest ranking general in the army
b. One of two of the highest ranking positions in the government
c. It was another name for Senator
d. The highest ranking priest in the Roman religion
e. All of the above

5. Julius Caesar became governor of what Roman province after he served his term as consul?
a. Egypt
b. Hispania
c. Cyprus
d. Macedonia
e. Gaul

6. What Roman leader did Caesar fight in the Roman civil war?
a. Sulla
b. Marc Antony
c. Pompey the Great
d. Octavian
e. Marius

7. During the civil war, Caesar chased his enemy all the way to what country?
a. Japan
b. Spain
c. Egypt
d. Russia
e. Sweden

8. What title did Caesar take when he became the sole ruler of Rome?
a. King
b. Dictator
c. Tyrant
d. President
e. Emperor

9. How did Caesar die?
a. He was assassinated in the Senate
b. His ship was sunk while sailing home from Egypt
c. He died of old age on his estate in the Italian countryside
d. He was killed in battle defending Rome
e. He died in a duel with Pompey the Great

10. Who was Octavian?
a. One of Caesar's enemies during the civil war
b. A politician who served as consul alongside Caesar
c. A famous sculptor during the time of Caesar
d. Caesar's nephew and heir who later became the first emperor of Rome
e. A gladiator who caused an uprising that Caesar put down

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Julius Caesar page at www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_rome/julius_caesar.php.

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