Fidel Castro

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Fidel Castro.

1. Fidel Castro was the leader of what country?
a. Soviet Union
b. Venezuela
c. Cuba
d. Canada
e. Afghanistan

2. What sport did Fidel Castro excel at as a child?
a. Baseball
b. Soccer
c. Football
d. Basketball
e. Track

3. What subject did Fidel Castro study at the University of Havana?
a. Engineering
b. Business
c. Political Science
d. Law
e. Music

4. Who was Fulgencio Batista?
a. Fidel Castro's partner during the revolution
b. A famous Cuban poet who wrote about revolution
c. The author of a book that Castro used to formulate his new government
d. A general in Fidel Castro's army
e. The military leader of Cuba who Castro overthrew in his revolution

5. What type of government did Fidel Castro implement once he gained control of Cuba?
a. Communist
b. Democratic
c. Republican
d. Monarchy
e. Oligarchy

6. What was the Bay of Pigs event?
a. The final battle where Fidel Castro gained control of the Cuban government
b. An attempt by the U.S. government to overthrow Castro
c. A war between Cuba and Mexico
d. The name of the alliance between Cuba and the Soviet Union
e. A protest march led by Fidel Castro

7. Which of the following was characteristic of Fidel Castro's government?
a. The government took control of industry
b. Limited freedom of speech
c. The government took control of some private businesses and farms
d. Limited freedom of the press
e. All of the above

8. Who was Che Guevara?
a. An important leader for Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution
b. A famous Cuban poet who wrote about revolution
c. The author of a book that Castro used to formulate his new government
d. The president of Mexico
e. The military leader of Cuba who Castro overthrew in his revolution

9. True or False: Fidel Castro's government relied heavily on aid from the United States and Great Britain.

10. Fidel Castro was known for what famous physical feature mentioned in the article?
a. His bald head
b. His great height of six foot seven inches
c. His long beard
d. His blue eyes
e. All of the above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Fidel Castro page at

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