Doctor Charles Drew

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Doctor Charles Drew.

1. Where was Doctor Charles Drew born?
a. Atlanta, Georgia
b. Portland, Maine
c. Toledo, Ohio
d. Washington, D.C.
e. Detroit, Michigan

2. What was Charles Drew's main interest in high school?
a. Science
b. Sports
c. Math
d. Music
e. Art

3. What area of medicine was Charles Drew most interested in during medical school?
a. Blood and blood transfusions
b. Brain surgery
c. Pediatrics
d. Cancer research
e. Diabetes

4. Charles Drew became the first African-American to earn a Doctor of Medical Science degree from what university?
a. Carnegie Melon
b. Harvard
c. University of North Carolina
d. University of California at Berkeley
e. Columbia University

5. What is blood plasma?
a. Tiny blood cells that help the blood to clot in order to stop bleeding
b. The liquid portion of blood
c. The part of blood that carries oxygen
d. The cells in blood that help fight diseases
e. All of the above

6. Doctor Charles Drew helped Britain develop a blood bank during what war?
a. Gulf War
b. Cold War
c. Revolutionary War
d. World War I
e. World War II

7. Why did Charles Drew resign as the director of the American Red Cross?
a. He felt it was time to retire
b. He was asked to separate black people's blood from white people's blood
c. He never retired, but he died from a car crash while on the job
d. He wanted to go into research full time
e. None of the above

8. True or False: In order for a blood transfusion to work, the blood types must be different.

9. What could be done to blood plasma to make it easier to ship?
a. It could be mixed with alcohol
b. It could be diluted with water
c. It could be dried
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

10. TRUE or False: Charles Drew used existing research into blood to develop ways to mass produce blood plasma.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Doctor Charles Drew page at

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