Biology: Hereditary Patterns

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Biology: Hereditary Patterns.

1. Who do we inherit our DNA from?
a. Cousins
b. Siblings
c. Parents
d. Uncles and aunts
e. No one

2. Most genes within DNA hold instructions for the cell to make a specific _____.
a. Carbohydrate
b. Chromosome
c. Lipid
d. Protein
e. Starch

3. What is the name for the sequence of a gene that determines a specific trait like brown eyes?
a. Allele
b. DNA
c. Centromere
d. Nucleus
e. RNA

4. If someone has a brown eye gene and a blue eye gene, they will have brown eyes. What is the brown eye gene called?
a. Incumbent
b. Relaxed
c. Dominant
d. Passive
e. Recessive

5. If someone has a brown eye gene and a blue eye gene, they will have brown eyes. What is the blue eye gene called?
a. Incumbent
b. Relaxed
c. Dominant
d. Passive
e. Recessive

6. When writing genes in a Punnett Square, what type of letter is used for the dominant gene?
a. Upper case
b. Bold
c. Italic
d. Lower case
e. Red

7. If both parents have one dominant gene and one recessive gene, what percentage of children will exhibit the dominant gene?
a. 0 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 75 percent
e. 100 percent

8. If one parent has two dominant genes and the other parent has two recessive genes, what percentage of children will exhibit the dominant gene?
a. 0 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 75 percent
e. 100 percent

9. If one parent has two recessive genes and the other parent has one dominant and one recessive genes, what percentage of children will exhibit the dominant gene?
a. 0 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 75 percent
e. 100 percent

10. What is it called when two genes are the same (both dominant or both recessive)?
a. Homozygous
b. Heterozygous
c. Impossible

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Biology: Hereditary Patterns page at

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