Earth Science: Freshwater Biome

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Freshwater Biome.

1. The freshwater biome has a lower content of ______ than the marine biome?
a. Sulfur
b. Plants
c. Fish
d. Salt
e. Mammals

2. Which of the following is not a part of the freshwater biome?
a. Ponds
b. Lakes
c. Rivers
d. Wetlands
e. Oceans

3. What type of freshwater biome is sometimes called a lentic ecosystem?
a. Lake
b. River
c. Stream
d. Tributary
e. Brook

4. Which zone of a lake is the floor or bottom of the lake?
a. Littoral zone
b. Limnetic zone
c. Euphotic zone
d. Benthic zone

5. Which lake zone is the area closest to the shore?
a. Littoral zone
b. Limnetic zone
c. Euphotic zone
d. Benthic zone

6. Which of the following would be considered a lotic ecosystem?
a. Lake
b. River
c. Pond
d. Pool
e. Ocean

7. Which of the following will have an impact on the ecology of streams and rivers?
a. Flow
b. Light
c. Temperature
d. Chemistry
e. All of the above

8. Which of the following will vary depending on the type of geology that a river flows through?
a. Flow
b. Light
c. Temperature
d. Chemistry
e. All of the above

9. What type of freshwater biome is a combination of land and water?
a. Ponds
b. Lakes
c. Rivers
d. Wetlands
e. Oceans

10. What is the longest river in the world?
a. Amazon River
b. Mississippi River
c. Nile River
d. Yangtze River
e. Thames River

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Freshwater Biome page at

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