William the Conqueror

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
William the Conqueror.

1. William the Conqueror was born in what modern-day country?
a. England
b. France
c. Germany
d. Spain
e. Italy

2. Which of the following best describes William the Conqueror's childhood?
a. He was an orphan who made his way to the top through talent and hard work
b. He grew up in the royal palace with his father the King and his mother the Queen
c. He was an illegitimate child who became Duke of Normandy at the age of 7
d. He grew up on a small farm in northern England
e. He spent much of his youth on a pirate ship before he discovered he was royalty

3. What relative did William defeat at the Battle of Val-es-Dunes?
a. His great-uncle the Archbishop Robert
b. His father the Duke of Normandy
c. His step-mother the Duchess of Cambridge
d. His brother the King George II of England
e. His cousin Guy of Burgundy

4. Who did the people of England want to be king after King Edward the Confessor died?
a. Harold Godwinson
b. King Hardrada of Norway
c. William of Normandy
d. None of the above
e. They didn't care who was king

5. Why did William think he should be crowned King of England?
a. Because he defended England against attack from the Vikings
b. Because his father was king before him
c. Because his mother was related to the former king
d. Because he was related to Edward the Confessor and claimed that Edward had promised him the crown
e. Because he had a vision that said he should be king

6. What was the name of the battle where William defeated the English army and King Harold II was killed?
a. Battle of London
b. Battle of the Thames
c. Battle of Hastings
d. Battle of Manchester
e. Battle of Normandy

7. What year was William the Conqueror crowned King of England?
a. 614
b. 1066
c. 1203
d. 1453
e. He was never crowned King of England

8. What was the 'Harrying of the North'?
a. A great battle where William the Conqueror finally defeated the English army
b. When William had farms burned and livestock killed across northern England
c. A great famine in Northern France
d. A great battle in the north between the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons
e. A time period when most boys in northern England were named Harry after King Harold II

9. What was the Domesday Book?
a. A listing of all the land and property owners in England
b. A list of all the traitors who conspired against William
c. A religious book written by an ancient order of monks
d. A book that recorded all the people that William the Conqueror had executed
e. A children's book written about William the Conqueror's exploits

10. How did William the Conqueror die?
a. He died of old age in his castle in France
b. He fell from the top of the Tower of London
c. He was assassinated by his cousin
d. He died of smallpox while on a trip to Spain
e. He was killed in battle in northern France

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the William the Conqueror page at www.ducksters.com/history/middle_ages/william_the_conqueror.php.

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